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게임플레이 & 스토리
플레이어는 포스트 아포칼립스 세계에서 생존자 그룹의 일원이다. 어느 운명의 아침, 깨어나 보니 피난처가 습격당하고 동료들이 이유도 모른 채 납치된 상황이다. 피난처를 떠나 험난하고 감염된 땅으로 나가면서, 납치범과 사건의 진실을 찾기 시작한다. 플레이어의 여정은 무작위로 생성되는 포스트 아포칼립스 지역을 지나가며, 각기 다른 적 세력과 잔혹한 지도자들이 통제하는 구역, 감염된 생물들이 점령한 피난처들을 거쳐가는 과정이다.
플레이어는 빠르고 폭력적이며 복잡한 2D 브롤러 스타일의 전투에서 자신의 기술을 사용해야 한다. 수많은 총기와 근접 무기를 활용해 적들을 쓰러뜨리고 처형해야 한다. 여정을 통해 새로운 무기, 의상, 기술, 유물, 그리고 RPG 스타일의 캐릭터 능력들을 잠금 해제할 수 있다.
Infected Shelter is an ultra-violent rogue-lite post-apocalyptic brawler. Singleplayer and co-op for up to four players.
Every run is different because of the randomly generated content. Players can loot more than 170 different blueprints of permanent improvements and this is the key to Infected Shelter's replayability. Instead of just collecting loot to make yourself more powerful during a single run, you unlock new weapons, clothes, skills, relics and RPG-like character improvements that change how you play the game in the following runs.
Gameplay & Story
You play as a member of a surviving group in a post-apocalyptic world. On one fateful morning, you awake to find the shelter is raided and your people are kidnapped for reasons unknown. Leaving your shelter you emerge into the harsh infected land and start looking for the kidnappers and the truth behind the events. Your path leads you through randomly generated post-apocalyptic areas controlled by different enemy factions with brutal leaders and shelters occupied by infected creatures.
You have to use your skills in a fast-paced, violent, and complex 2D brawler-like combat where lots of firearms and melee weapons are waiting for you to beat and execute your enemies. You will unlock new weapons, clothes, skills, relics and RPG-like character improvements during your journey.
- Randomly generated post-apocalyptic environments
- Fast paced, violent and complex 2D brawler-like combat with lots of firearms and melee weapons
- Rogue-lite / rouge-like elements, play-learn-die-unlock-improve-repeat
- Permanent upgrades that change how you play the game in the following runs
- 170+ blueprints to unlock new weapons, clothes, skills, relics, and RPG-like character improvements
- 50+ brutal, ultra-violent executions
- 50+ character traits
- Tons of guitars, wheelchairs, pets, drinks, active items
- 200+ areas and shelter rooms
- Fully supported singleplayer experience
- Four different playable characters.
- Local co-op with up to 4 players