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오늘의 게임/1990

파워 블레이드 2 [Power Blade 2 | September 29, 1992]

by VGameLine 2024. 9. 29.

Power Blade 2

파워 블레이드 2는 일본에서 캡틴 세이버라는 제목으로 알려져 있으며, 타이토가 NES/패밀리 컴퓨터를 위해 발행한 플랫폼 게임이다. 1992년 9월 일본에서 먼저 출시되었고, 같은 해 10월 북미에서 발매되었다. 이 게임은 첫 번째 파워 블레이드 게임의 속편이다.

게임의 배경은 2200년으로, 첫 번째 파워 블레이드 게임의 주인공 NOVA가 미국 국방부의 임무를 수행하기 위해 델타 재단을 파괴하는 이야기이다. 델타 재단은 잘못된 손에 들어가면 전 세계의 안보를 위협할 수 있는 새로운 사이보그를 만들었다. 파워 블레이드와 마찬가지로 이 게임은 메가맨 시리즈와 유사한 게임 플레이를 제공하며, 플레이어는 다양한 스테이지를 자유롭게 선택할 수 있다. 또한, 슬라이드 능력과 다양한 무기 체계를 추가한 점이 특징이다.

파워 블레이드 2는 북미에서 먼저 제작된 후 일본에서 캡틴 세이버라는 제목으로 출시되었다. 첫 번째 게임처럼 제목은 플레이어에게 추가적인 화력을 제공하는 특별한 파워업인 "파워 수트"에서 유래한다.

게임의 목표는 델타 재단을 파괴하는 것이다. 플레이어는 첫 네 개의 레벨/건물 순서를 선택할 수 있으며, 이후 5번 지역이 잠금 해제된다. 각 건물의 목표는 보스를 처치하여 그 건물을 파괴하는 것이다. 플레이어가 5번 지역의 보스를 처치하면 최종 레벨로 진행된다.

이 게임의 가장 큰 변화 중 하나는 네 개의 수집 가능한 파워 수트의 추가이다. 플레이어는 임시 파워 수트를 찾는 대신, 중간 보스를 처치하여 네 개의 강력한 수트를 획득할 수 있다. 네 개의 수트는 벽과 천장을 기어오를 수 있는 뉴트 수트, 수영이 가능한 웻 수트, 비행할 수 있는 로켓 수트, 방어용 수트인 패트리어트 수트로 구성된다.



"Power Blade 2" is known in Japan as "Captain Saver," a platform game published by Taito for the NES/Famicom. It was first released in Japan in September 1992 and in North America in October of the same year. This game is a sequel to the original Power Blade game.


Set in the year 2200, the story follows the protagonist NOVA as he undertakes a mission for the U.S. Department of Defense to destroy the Delta Foundation. The Delta Foundation has created new cyborgs that could threaten global security if they fall into the wrong hands. Like the first game, this one offers gameplay similar to the Mega Man series, allowing players to freely choose from various stages. It also features a sliding ability and an expanded weapon system.


Power Blade 2 was developed first for North America and then released in Japan under the title Captain Saver. Like the first game, the title is derived from a special power-up called the "Power Suit," which provides players with additional firepower.


The objective of the game is to destroy the Delta Foundation. Players can choose the order of the first four levels/buildings, after which the fifth area is unlocked. The goal of each building is to defeat a boss to destroy that building. After defeating the boss of the fifth area, players proceed to the final level.


One of the biggest changes in this game is the addition of four collectible Power Suits. Instead of finding temporary Power Suits, players can defeat mid-bosses to obtain four powerful suits. These suits include the Newt Suit, which allows climbing walls and ceilings; the Wet Suit, which enables swimming; the Rocket Suit, which allows flying; and the Patriot Suit, which serves as a defensive suit.









