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오늘의 게임/1980

알렉스 키드 인 미라클 월드 [アレックスキッドのミラクルワールド / ALEX KIDD IN MIRACLE WORLD | November 1, 1986]

by VGameLine 2024. 11. 1.

『알렉스 키드 인 미라클 월드』(ALEX KIDD IN MIRACLE WORLD)는 1986년 11월 1일 세가 엔터프라이즈(현재의 세가)가 세가 마크 III용 소프트로 출시한 게임이다.

개요 세가의 콘솔 게임기용 소프트 중 1980년대에 탄생한 캐릭터 중 하나인 '알렉스 키드'의 데뷔작이자 대표작 중 하나이다. 알렉스 키드는 당시 비디오 게임 업계를 지배하고 있던 닌텐도의 『슈퍼 마리오 브라더스』처럼 "팔리는 게임"을 원했던 세가가 여러 시도 중에 탄생한 캐릭터다.

본작의 기획 설계에 참여한 하시다 코타로에 따르면, 본작은 원래 만화 『드래곤볼』의 게임화 작품으로 개발이 시작되었지만, 세가 본사가 드래곤볼의 판권 확보에 실패함에 따라 캐릭터 디자인을 전면적으로 변경하여 출시하게 된 경과가 있다. 그래서 알렉스 키드는 드래곤볼 초기 소년 시절의 손오공과 유사한 외모를 가지고 있으며, 동시에 손오공의 필살기인 '점권'으로 보스와 싸우는 설정이 게임 디자인에 남아 있다.

또한, 세가 에이지스의 슈퍼바이저인 오카나리 요스케는 하시다가 작품 간의 연결을 좋아했을 것이라고 추측하며, 알렉스 키드가 『신비한 성 피트팟』의 주인공인 이그와 쌍둥이 형제라는 점과, 하시다가 참여한 『판타시 스타』(1987)에서 본작을 언급하는 장면을 예로 들고 있다.

스토리 침략자 '가위바위보 대왕'에 의해 지배된 세계를 되찾고, 붙잡힌 쌍둥이 형 이그를 구하기 위해 '브로크권'의 소유자 알렉스 키드가 나선다.


Alex Kidd in Miracle World is a game released by Sega Enterprises (now Sega) for the Sega Mark III on November 1, 1986.


Overview As one of the notable characters created for Sega's consumer game software in the 1980s, Alex Kidd is recognized as both a debut work and a representative title. Alex Kidd was born from Sega's desire to create a "successful game" akin to Nintendo's Super Mario Bros., among various trials.


According to Koutarou Hashida, who was involved in the planning and design of the game, it was originally developed as a game adaptation of the manga Dragon Ball. However, after Sega's headquarters failed to acquire the licensing rights for Dragon Ball, the character design was completely changed, leading to Alex Kidd resembling a young Goku from the early stages of Dragon Ball. Additionally, the game's design retained remnants of Goku's signature move, "Janken" (Rock-Paper-Scissors), which is used to battle bosses.


Yousuke Okunari, a supervisor for SEGA AGES, speculated in an interview with GAME Watch that Hashida liked linking works together. For example, Alex Kidd is said to be the twin brother of Iguru, the protagonist of Pit Pot, and there are references to this game in Phantasy Star (1987), which was also overseen by Hashida.

Story Alex Kidd, the possessor of the "Brock Punch," stands up to reclaim the world ruled by the invader "Janken Daioh" and to rescue his kidnapped twin brother, Iguru.



概要 1980年代にセガのコンシューマーゲームソフトとして生まれた著名なキャラクターの一つであるアレックスキッドは、デビュー作であり、代表作の一つとして認知されています。アレックスキッドは、セガが任天堂の『スーパーマリオブラザーズ』のような「売れるゲーム」を求めた結果、数あるトライアルの中から誕生しました。




また、SEGA AGESのスーパーバイザーである奥成洋輔は、林田が作品同士をリンクさせるのが好きだったのではないかと推測し、アレックスキッドが『不思議のお城ピットポット』の主人公・イグルと双子の兄弟であることや、同じく林田が関わった『ファンタシースター』(1987年)で本作が言及される場面を挙げています。


ストーリー 侵略者「じゃんけん大王」に支配された世界を取り戻し、さらわれた双子の兄イグルを救うべく、「ブロック拳」の持ち主であるアレックスキッドが立ち上がります。
